
Reporting on incompetent service, poor quality, and anti-consumer policies that pinoy consumers don’t deserve. Don’t take it sitting down. Demand what you deserve!

2 Responses to “about”

  1. Dear Owner of theguardian.wordpress.com I am very interested in obtaining this blog since you are no longer using it. Would you be willing to let me have it?

    With Gratitude,

    Jordyn Archer
    (702) 468-1005

  2. Dear Owner of theguardian.wordpress.com I just wrote you to see if you were willing to give this weblog to me as you are no longer using it. I understand that it would be a considerable favor and appreciate your willingness to consider allowing me to obtain it. The reason for me writing you a second time was just to give you an email address that you could contact me at jabletalk@gmail.com or you could skype me at abundanceattraction or you could call me if you were willing to do so at (702) 468-1005 or (702) 425-9051 Again thank you for your consideration!

    Thank You,

    Jordyn Archer

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